If you are worried that your best friend will be stressed at the boarding kennels while you are on holiday, here are 4 tips to help reduce your dogs stress during their stay.
1. Walkies
Prior to your boarding reservation, book exclusive use of our Dog Park for a couple of relaxing, sniffy walks. This will allow your dog to get familiar with the new space in the safety of their humans company.

2. Play Dates
In the weeks before boarding, bring your dog and a few of their best canine buddies for some off-leash socialising. Your dog can explore with more confidence in good company, and will associate the place with fun and friends.

3. Gaming and Training
Visit our Dog Park before boarding to play your dogs favourite games, like 'fetch' or 'hide and seek', and to train your dogs favourite tricks. After a session or two, your dog will associate the kennel with fun and yummy treats!

5. Do Daycare
...even if you work at home and don't need it. This should help your dog to understand that spending time here is temporary and that you will always come fetch him. A few short days of daycare will help them to mentally prepare for a longer stay.

We look forward to welcoming you!